Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Battle of the Suck

So it begins.

As I have said in passing before, the Suck is the way that I do things. But how badly do I do things that I have donned on the title "Suck" for my behavior? Well, here's a generic list of things that I may or may not specifically done that demonstrates my sheer awesomeness at failing in life:

-Eat fast food and promise to work out the next day
-Skip class in order to do some extra studying
-Play video games for most of the day in preparation of the big night of studying
-Fail classes instead of completing them because I missed one or two assignments and asked for an incomplete (which never got completed)
-Other things that I don't have the heart to write about right now

The Suck reaches deep into just about every area of my life, so
what chance do I have of ever combating the Suck? Well, I don't think that I have ever been this ready to actually do something about it more than I am now. Here's another little list that shows what chance I have of actually overcoming Lord Suckingshire and his band of Sucking Minions:

-I have the deep seeded need to leave Tulsa Oklahoma and move to somewhere that doesn't even rhyme with Tulsa
-I am genuinely interested in my studies, and I realize that I am nowhere where I need to be academically in order to make a living off of them
-I want to regain my former healthy body in order to live longer (a plus) and perhaps join the military as an officer, and then someday as a chaplain
-I have given up video games for the remainder of my undergrad career
-I quit my job. While this is not a good thing in itself, it allows me to spend the time required working on my school so that I can graduate. Also, I am prompted to graduate as fast as I can now that I know I have nothing to live on but a wing and a prayer

Okay, this is still a little bleak. In my defense, however, I think that some hope is infinitely better than the cold depths of hopelessness. And for that matter, I finally have a plan. I don't think that I will ever jump into anything ever again without some sort of strategy and exit strategy. So this may very well work. I seriously hope that God is looking out for me right now, because I could sure as heck use his help. Now then, I have to get off and start planning for tomorrow. It's my first day of a new, and perhaps not-so-helpless way of living. I'll be back with more details later.


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