Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey There, Fatso!

If you read my first post (God help you), you may recall that I mentioned that I was more plump than I wanted to be. Well gee, how did this happen? I'll tell you!

1. I stopped exercising consistently.
2. I started driving to places that I could easily walk to.
3. I stopped watching what I ate. More like, I started to watch what I ate, but everything that I watched looked so yummy that I had to eat it all.
4. I let other things take priority over my fitness.
5. I overall lost motivation.

Whew, I'm glad that is off my overly fat chest. I've always known these things to be true, but I haven't been drastic enough in doing anything about it. Don't get me wrong, I have been trying, but the Suck (I guess I should capitalize "Suck" from now on every time I am referring to the way I do life) always gets in the way. How am I supposed to challenge the Suck?

1. This site will soon contain weekly updates, both informational and pictorial, of how I have done. The pictures will frighten the week of heart, so please do not let the elderly or the young near this computer while looking at this site. Also, it may not be safe for work since the pictures of my fat, topless body will border on terrifying.
2. I will come up with a game plan on this site for diet, exercise, and time management.

Oh yeah! I can feel the Suck trembling in his little Suck shoes right now. Actually, I can't since he doesn't have shoes. But if he did, hoo-boy he would be shaking.
I would take a picture of myself right now, but I think I should run this idea before the wife first. She might not like the idea of my hot body causing other's to lust after me. She'll be home soon, I hope. That's all for now.


First (and worst) Post

First posts always suck. I don't want to mess this post up though because if I start off on the wrong foot, there is a good chance that this blog will end up like the millions of other blogs that go nowhere. Heck, I don't even like the idea of calling this a blog (I feel by calling it such that I all ready doomed it to failure). Crap, this is starting to suck! Um...

Change of subject! Now then, why am I making this blog, er, self help site? Because I am pitiful! I am lame! Worst of all, I am average. Yes, I am not a master of any given talent. I am good at a lot of things, I know a lot of stuff, but if you were to ask me what I am or what is perhaps my "thing," I will have to get back to you on that. So there, mentally, I am not where I want to be. I would like to help myself complete the two following ideas:
1. Become a master at some talent or study.
2. Figure out what exactly what number one means.
With this site as a structure, I hope to come closer to my goals. Though I remain hopeful, the suck, which is my way of living, is creeping slowly towards me right now. I can feel its eerie presence oozing towards me right now! It's calling me to play video games! It wants me to waste more of my life! Help me! It craves more fast food, and even less exercise!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Another important feature that I wish to implement is my monitoring my health. I'm kind of a fatass right now. I think it will be great to beat the suck at his own game and actually exercise. I used to exercise all the time, but I have not been good with that for the past two years now. Yikes, I have a lot of fat to lose.
There isn't too much more I want to say right now. I figure that this is a good start. After all, if this is truly going to be a first post, I don't want to add anymore content since there is a chance I will start making this a decent post. First posts are supposed to suck.
